People with narrow minds usually have broad tongues.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did Today 20140209

I hate being sick

I was able to sleep a little longer and better last night. However, I still felt pretty miserable when I woke up.

When we got to church, I told our pianist that I may not chant this morning. I'll start out trying to, but if I stop, then in the parts thereafter where she would normally give me a cue note she would not have to. To my amazement, I felt better as the service went along.

After church, I was supposed to meet with a man who works for Complete Solutions, a financial services company. He is recruiting me to work for him. It sounds like interesting work, though at the same time long, hard work with little immediate gains. I'll have to consider some things in light of other things which may or may not happen. At the very least, I will have learned a lot in the time I spend with Complete Solutions.

After that, it was on to catechesis with a couple of boys from the congregation, one of them being my own. We're making our way through the Old Testament; today's lesson was from Genesis 2, Adam and Eve and marriage.

Finally home, and I was able to veg for a bit and succumb to my Sunday dumbs. I did a little work on the new webpage layout, but not a whole lot.

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