The hot dog is the best, most loyal dog in the world: it feeds the hand that bites it.
‹Jim Genthe›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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What I Did Today 20140213

breakfast and a visit

As I mentioned yesterday, I took the van today. While I'm confident that the problem with the truck is water in the distributor cap, I didn't want to lose power because of it as I'm going up some hills. More than that, I didn't want the rough ride to and from Parker.

So, I went to Parker for Bible Study. This is the 7am Bible Study at IHOP. We're continuing through the book of Daniel. What I came to appreciate about these studies is that they are one more avenue of keeping in the Bible; so, the Word of God is ever more in front of me. For breakfast, I had one of the sweet cream-cheese-filled crepes that they've been advertising lately—the one with raspberries. It was very sweet, almost too sweet, but I finished it.

I was able to spend a little time in the office afterward, enough to watch one episode of Eureka on Netflix. Of course, I did some work at that time, finding a direction to go in for Sunday's sermon.

But, it wasn't long until it came time to make my way to Elbert to visit a semi-shut-in member. I was there until 12:30ish.

Back home, and there was time to relax for a while. The rest of the day was fairly normal and (thankfully) boring.

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