Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit.
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Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
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What I Did This Week, no. 10

Lenten preparation

So, the busyness that is Lent has started. You can see the fruits of that work with the latest sermon posted to the site. All-in-all, I think it was a pretty normal week, normal for a week in Lent, that is.

Sunday – The day started with the thought that we would go to church, I would go through catechesis with a young lady, have some sort of lunch, then catechesis with two boys. Well, the church part was correct, but the catechesis parts were not. The young lady and one of the boys couldn’t make it. It made for an easier afternoon as we prepared to go to the Pepsi Center for a hockey game. Going was fun, the game was exciting for most of the time, but it ended disappointingly. Of course, the Lightning haven’t been playing all that well lately, anyway.

Monday – A day off. It was spent video gaming while a pot of spaghetti sauce simmered.

Tuesday – In the office to prepare for Wednesday night. Quicker than I expected, I got a sermon completed, though I did stumble upon some more Bible passages that I could add to it, which I would attend to tomorrow morning. Home again, and I was able to relax a little. Being Shrove Tuesday, dinner was pancakes and other breakfast items.

Wednesday – So, I got to the update for tonight’s sermon. It was quick and easy. The rest of the time was spent looking at the texts for Sunday and also getting some ideas for next Wednesday. After I got home, I repaired my truck again. Ever since Monday, the engine would shake when idling. I couldn’t figure out what the problem was, couldn’t see anything wrong, until today. A little hose had come loose; reconnected, and the engine ran smoothly again. The evening came quickly, and it was back to church for Ash Wednesday Evening Prayer. I chuckled a bit at the errors that were STILL in the bulletin, which were there in last year’s bulletin, if I recall correctly.

Thursday – It was like a hangover, you could say—the morning after an evening church service. But, back to the grind I went. It started with Bible Study at IHOP. The time was spent trying to come up with a sermon for Sunday. Sadly, study for that didn’t go so well.

Friday – So, for some reason, my alarm clock decided to “spring forward” a couple of days earlier; as I wrote on Facebook, “Here’s to losing two hours of sleep this week.” Anyway, into the office I went. I started trying to put a sermon together. The more I went, though, the worse I felt about it. Something just seemed off. When I tried to make it better, I only made things worse. Regretfully, I had to borrow one again, but I was able to make some substantial changes to it for my setting. I got home before the snow, but it did snow, and the roads got so slick that tonight’s Bible Study was canceled. While those of us in town could have easily gotten to it, we were concerned more for the travels of those who live in Kiowa or elsewhere.

Saturday – I slept in this morning; I had to get at least one hour back. When I got up, I played some LEGO Marvel Superheroes on the PS4 and earned the Platinum Trophy. Other than that, it was kind of a lazy day.

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