It is a great tragedy that so many within our midst want to scrap everything that means Lutheran, but keep the title.
‹Rev. Steve Cholak›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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What I Did This Week, no. 11

with burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings

There was Happy Birthday at the hospital. There was a day at the pool. There was Happy Birthday at church. Lent and Mid-week Lent are in full swing. And still, I’d say it was a pretty ordinary week. You may get tired of reading that, bored by it even, but I really like it.

Sunday – Lord’s Supper, catechesis, and more catechesis. You know, I don’t only work one day a week, but the work I do this day really takes it out of me. There’s a little bit of introvert in me, such that dealing with people wears me down quickly. It’s not that I don’t like it, but that I expend so much energy doing it. I like quiet Sunday afternoons, and I got one today, for the most part.

Monday – Molly turns three on Wednesday. It would be rather hard to do what she wanted to do that day, so we went to the pool today. It works out well, also, in that since she’s still two, she gets in free. It was a pretty warm day, so the ambient temperature inside the pool was warmer than the last couple of times that we went. I know she and her siblings had a lot of fun here. In the meantime, one of my members gave birth (finally) to a daughter; she will be baptized on Sunday. I love baptisms.

Tuesday – I went into the office expecting to do a little work, but then to be able to visit my newest member-to-be. I got the homily for tomorrow written, but never got a call to visit the little girl and her family until the afternoon. It was snowing pretty good by that time, but I went; it’s always a bit interesting talking to new parents.

Wednesday – Office time was pretty normal today. I finished up the sermon for tonight, and looked over the texts for Sunday. When I got home, it was time to celebrate Molly’s birthday (again). We sent the kids to their rooms and brought her gifts up. She was thrilled to see her doll furniture, then enjoyed opening her gifts. The celebration wasn’t over, as it was time to head to church for supper; we signed up to bring dessert for obvious reasons. Those in attendance sang “Happy Birthday” to Molly, enjoyed a wonderfully designed and decorated cake, then heard of their sins forgiven for the sake of Christ and His Passion.

Thursday – This was probably the most ordinary of days this week. Breakfast Bible Study, office, home, rest, and sleep. I actually set some words to paper for Sunday’s sermon. Genevieve took the girls to have Molly’s pictures taken; Robert and I stayed home.

Friday – Hah, what a difference a day makes. So, it started out pretty normal; I got to the office and finished up Sunday’s sermon. Then, it was off to NAPA to get a part for the truck, then to the post office, then some gas for the truck. When I got home, Molly was eating a corndog for lunch. Well, she decided she wanted it reheated, so she stuck it in the microwave and over-nuked it—the basement was filled with smoke and smelled like burned popcorn. What a day...fortunately, it was nice enough outside to let it air out.

Saturday – The house still smells like burned popcorn in places. A day semi-off to wind down before Sunday. The big kids went outside, leaving the little girls to spend the late morning with me. It wasn’t long until Tirzah was called down for a bath/shower. I played a little LEGO Movie Videogame while Molly played with her toys and “read” her books. Night quickly came upon us, and that brings us to now. Good night, world, until next week!

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