John Kerry will undergo surgery to repair his right shoulder. He originally hurt it when he suddenly switched positions on Iraq.
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Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
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What I Did This Week, no. 13

new computer, platinum trophy

Ahhh, lucky 13. Yeah, there really isn’t anything that happened to call this week lucky. There wasn’t anything that happened to call this week unlucky. It’s another week that happened, another week in the life of Geoffrey, another week as pastor at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church.

Sunday – Oculi, the Third Sunday in Lent—Jesus given and received in Word and Sacrament. One of my catechumens wasn’t there, and it’s starting to sound bad for her future attendance. I don’t know what the deal is, but I will work to find out. The boys, on the other hand, had a better day today than last week. Once it was all done, it was time for the “Sunday Dumbs.”

Monday – Another day off doing nothing. I kind of like these days, though an occasional day off doing something is nice, too. Frozen arrived today, so the family watched it while I prepared a salmon dinner. It’s a cute movie with a great take on the old Disney theme of true love.

Tuesday – Back in the office. The morning was spent working on the homily for Wednesday evening. I got back home and delivered the mail, then headed back upstairs to open the door in order to listen for UPS—the new church computer was supposed to be delivered today. Just as I opened it, the brown truck showed up and delivered the box. After lunch, I headed back to church to begin the setup process. Windows 8...not as bad as I recall from the little I’ve done with it on display computers; I still don’t like it because it’s Windows, but it’s much better than my initial impressions. Without my doing anything, it installed drivers for the networked printer in my office; that surprised it has a way to print before I did anything else. However, it will take some getting used to. I left while it was downloading and installing some updates.

Wednesday – Back to work. 71 updates were installed on the new computer, and I arrived to it needing another 94 updates. So, I started those and headed to my office to do my work. Corrections were made to tonight’s homily, and I looked at the lessons for Sunday. After the updates to the new computer, I started installing programs that would be needed. I was trying to set up the copier as a printer, but the installation kept looping, so I’m not sure how that’s going to work. I’ve got some other ideas that I’ll try next week. Now, to decide whether to go with the free upgrade to Windows 8.1. The evening saw a delicious supper followed by the giving and receiving of Jesus in the Word.

Thursday – It’s the early morning Bible Study day. I was a little disappointed that what I wanted for breakfast was no longer carried by long, Cinnastax French Toast. I was delighted to find that I had enough on my gift card to cover the entirety of my breakfast. And we continued through Galatians. Back in the office, and it was time to study more in preparation for Sunday. I sent another email to the CCL group, and got a good number of replies. Then, back home for some relaxation.

Friday – Pretty standard day in the office today. Got a sermon prepared. Got a reply from our tax lady. Helped our bulletin preparer explore the new computer a little. So, I guess that’s not so standard after all. In the afternoon, I took a little time and earned the platinum trophy for The LEGO Movie Videogame on PS4. The evening saw us at Bible Study. We finished Tobit—a bit of a comical book in the Apocrypha. We tried to figure out where it was translated from, as the Lutheran Edition of the Apocrypha from CPH is missing some text that it seems all other translations have; there was no note in my book about “some manuscripts” adding this or that bit of text. In a turn that I found a bit ironic, those who had initially requested a study of the Apocrypha were now asking to go back to the Bible; I guess they found the Apocrypha boring. So, we’ll figure something out for next time, though it sounds like the request will be Genesis. Fine...I don’t mind.

Saturday – It was another lazy Saturday, though the little girls kept me hopping for most of the day. The big kids spent most of the day outside with friends, including one from Denver who was spending the weekend with his grandparents.

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