The guilty think all talk is of themselves.
‹Geoffrey Chaucer›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 16

Holy, Holy, Holy

It’s Holy Week, the high point of the church year. We began with shouts of Hosanna and end with a crucifixion and burial in the grave. Things culminated with the death of God on Friday—It is finished! And the new week will start with a bang as the seal of salvation is announced with, “He is risen!”

Sunday – Palmarum! The Sunday of the Passion. It is all laid out for the hearers today. They hear of the Palms, enter the church, and the theme shifts to the Passion. Jesus, of course, given and received. Following the gifts, it was time for catechesis; I had all of my catechumens today. Then it was time to get home, finish the dishes, and have my usual chicken and salad supper.

Monday – I really like my days off. I like being able to do what I’d like, I also like staying home and doing nothing.

Tuesday – I started in the office working on the sermon for Maundy Thursday. I’m looking at the foot-washing God, and what that says of YHWH compared to other, false gods. When I got home, I played a little LEGO The Hobbit.

Wednesday – Today I noticed that my truck is leaking anti-freeze. It’s not a lot, mind you, but enough to make me wonder what’s going on. Did I not put the new hose on? Is the pump going? Is something else wrong? Why did it take this long to get like this? I tightened the clamp around the hose at the pump; at the radiator it’s fine. Not only is there a small puddle forming under the truck, but there is anti-freeze being sprayed all over the place under the hood from the belts and fans. Oddly enough, it only happens after first running the truck—that is to say, I noticed it dripping quite a bit while at the office, but not so much when I got home. Later today, I went to Walmart; it left a little puddle in the spot in the parking lot, but again, not so much when I got home. On another note, it’s strange not to have something going on at church this evening.

Thursday – It’s Maundy Thursday. I went to Parker IHOP for Breakfast Bible Study. Yeah, I took the van. I think the truck is going to more or less be out of commission for a while (though I may drive it to the office and back next week...just to see). In the office, I worked on the sermon for the Saturday Easter Vigil. Back home, I played a little LEGO The Hobbit.

Friday – Good Friday. I was in the office for a bit in the morning, putting together the Easter Vigil sermon. By the time the evening came around, it was time for Tenebrae Vespers—strepitus and all. It is finished.

Saturday – The daytime was spent not doing much of anything. I spent some time playing LEGO The Hobbit. Before I knew it, though, it was time for the Easter Vigil service. We get there with about 15 minutes to spare. 6:57, and we’re still the only ones there. One member shows up at 7:05. We do a quick service of light. Am I disappointed? Yes, I am. I got word from some folks that they were going to stay home because they weren’t feeling well, but what happened to everyone else (who normally comes to these)? We go home. It’s an early morning tomorrow for Matins and breakfast...

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