A bird in the hand is safer than one overhead.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 17

He is Risen!

The week after Easter is a slower week compared the previous six. Lent tends to be busy, and gets busier as the season progresses. Culminating with Holy Week and the four days of services which ends with Easter, it almost seems as if things go a mile a minute. Then, Easter Monday arrives, and the time unwinds.

Sunday – It was up early for Matins. Others may call it a Sunrise service. We pray Matins and hear about the Resurrection. Following Matins is breakfast, then the Lord’s Supper. It’s a full day. A friend came out for church; she was going to stay for supper at our house, but got to not feeling well. It was good to see her nonetheless.

Monday – What’s to say about this day off? It’s much like other days off. I played a little LEGO The Hobbit.

Tuesday – Back in the office today, and it was time to think about Quasimodo Geniti. I like the day, I love the text, but I’ve been feeling like I’m running out of ideas on what to preach on the text. I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, I did some service planning and got hymns picked for July. When I got home, I ran the truck for the first time in nearly a week. It dropped about a tablespoon of coolant at about 1/3 of the time I ran the truck. I guess I’ll take it to the office tomorrow.

Wednesday – More sermon prep. I take a deeper look at the other texts, and I think I’ve got an idea based on what happens with Ezekiel. From the office, I go to the post office, from the post office, to Walmart, from Walmart to home—no coolant. I put some spacers on the latch for the back screen door; it now stays closed. From there, I had to run back to the office for a meeting. Back home again, and still no coolant leaking. What’s going on? I still think I’m going to take the van to Parker tomorrow, though. In the evening, we went to a concert put on by the Young Sinfonia (two of the congregation’s girls are members of the Sinfonia). It was a late night drive back home in the rain, but as we gain elevation, the rain turned to snow.; there was an inch of it on the ground when we got home.

Thursday – The morning came early, and I was on the road to Parker for breakfast and Bible Study. We’re continuing through Ephesians, a beautiful little letter. Back in the office from there and time again to look at the texts for Sunday...try to develop this idea. I break from that after a little while and put together the July calendar since the hymns are picked. I’m called away from that after a little while to bring Mikaela to a friend’s house, but come back to it in no time.

Friday – So, it finally came time to write the sermon. I got something written, and it works, but I feel like it needs a little something. Maybe tomorrow will bring some updates to it. In other news, the coolant leak is back with a vengeance. Back home for a bit, and Genevieve and I start tackling the basement. We get the laundry room in order as well as going through some old clothes. It’s high time we started preparing for a visit. In short order, however, it was time to go to Bible Study. While waiting for everyone else to get out to the van, I look under the truck and notice the small puddle of anti-freeze. I see that it’s dripping from the pulley for the water pump, so I finally take the plate that guards the oil pan off; had I known it would be that easy, the the nuts were welded on, I would have done that in the first place when replacing the hose. When I find more time and drier weather, I’ll take a good, longer look up there. Back to Bible Study, and we finally got into the text of Genesis...two verses. There is a lot of information packed into those two verses.

Saturday – After some video gaming in the morning, I worked on cleaning the entryway and living room. That was a chore, but shoes have been culled as well as some toys. There looks to be so much more room in there, now, and things look like there in much better order now. Inspiration hit, and I added some stuff to the sermon which really helped to tie some things together. It was an exhausting day, but a day to feel good about the work that was done. It’s high time, still, we started preparing for a visit.

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