It is in the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins.
‹Benjamin Franklin›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 21

Prepare and Play

It was a preparation and enjoyment. We got the house clean, again. We welcomed some guests, again. And right now, a good time is being had by all in our household. Time in the office was short, consequently, but plans were made in that short time.

Sunday – Cantate was the name of the day, and it was a pretty ordinary day, spare the fact that Genevieve missed church again due to illness. Divine Service was followed by catechesis which was followed by catechesis which was followed by laziness. Well, laziness is what some might call it, but I call it recovery.

Monday – My day off was also something of a lazy day. There was some work to do around the house as my parents would be on their way up to visit us. It shouldn’t be as intensive as the preparation for the visit of my sister and her family, as that was not too long ago. I was able to get some PS3 playing time in with PES 2014.

Tuesday – I was in the office for a bit looking over the texts for Sunday and next Thursday. In this time, I developed some ideas on what to preach on, but I need to flesh them out some. Back home, and it was time to do a little more cleaning and rearranging. And I got some more PES 2014 in.

Wednesday – The day in the office was followed by shopping. We had dinner plans for when my folks arrive to prepare for, as well as some other things to get. So, it was to Costco for a couple of things, Parker Payless Liquors for a few more, Walmart for a good deal of things, Michael’s for a couple of more things, then to Staples to turn in some empty ink tanks and to purchase some new ones. Our last stop, much to Genevieve’s surprise, was Best Buy for a computer that I had purchased that morning for her, to replace her laptop. There was little time when we got home before I had to be at church for Lutheran Confessions Study, but in that time, we finally cleared off the table in the kitchen that we were using to sort stuff from our counters. In study, we continued through Article VII of the Formula of Concord.

Thursday – The day started off with Bible Study in Parker. We used to meet at IHOP, but the group moved back to a location that they had used before I joined: The Egg and I. I had an amazing breakfast: Artichoke Benedict Florentine; I think I found my usual on the first try! On top of that, they had Earl Grey Tea! In the office for a little while, and I got the sermon for Sunday written, only to be reviewed and amended on Saturday. Then, it was home to wait for my parents’ arrival. When they came, it wasn’t long until we had our dinner, which was prepared last night and cooking all day: slow cooker Italian beef, a homemade version of a Chicago favorite.

Friday – Today, we went for pictures with the family. Then lunch as a family, in celebration of anniversaries, my parents’ 42nd, which is today, and our 11th, which is tomorrow. From there, we did some shopping around for things which we normally don’t get, some German deli food, some spices from Penzeys, and some chocolate wine from Parker Payless. Yes, I know we were just there on Wednesday. Dad came with me to Bible Study this evening where we looked at Luther’s lecture on Genesis 1:5, and talked about the Sacraments (the Lord’s Supper at length).

Saturday – We decided not to do anything today, though we very well could have. It’s the Saturday before Memorial Day, as well as with high school and college commencements going on, it was probably for the best that we didn’t go anywhere. But, we had some amazing German-French food for dinner, prepared by Mom and Genevieve: Rouladen with potato dumplings and broccoli. Now, we are all preparing for bed and the morning, where we’ll go to church and celebrate Rogate.

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