He who laughs last thinks slowest.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did this Week, no. 25

I think I see why they cancelled it after 5 seasons

It’s another Saturday, already. I feel like I did one of these posts only a couple of days ago, but, no...another week has passed. It was a pretty fun week, filled with many good things.

Sunday – Today was filled with the usual highlights: Divine Service, catechesis, catechesis, and the Sunday dumbs. Ahh, how I love the Sunday dumbs—downtime to unwind and I’m not very good at thinking.

Monday – We made an early start to go to Centennial today. The three older kids and I had breakfast (free) at Ikea while Genevieve and Tirzah went to Picture People for her 18 month photos. Our favorite photographer no longer works there. Then it was back home to enjoy the rest of my day off.

Tuesday – As I usually try to do on Tuesdays, I started the day in the office looking at the texts for Sunday. This week, we’re transferring The Presentation of the Augsburg Confession in place of Trinity I. I didn’t spend too much time doing that, though, as I headed out to bring the Lord’s Supper to a semi-shutin. Home from there, and I got to revel in the enjoyment of bringing the Gifts to one of God’s people. Oh, I also picked up The LEGO Movie on Blu-ray today.

Wednesday – In the office today, I planned December services, though not the Mid-week Advent ones or Christmas Eve. I don’t think I’ve gotten this far ahead...ever. I like to be at least three months ahead, but with many things going on over the summer, I wanted to get things done while I had the time. I only need to look at ideas for the Mid-week Advent services and ask what the congregation wants to do on Christmas Eve (one service or two). The evening came, and we were supposed to continue our reading and study of the Formula of Concord. Two people showed up and decided that it would be best if we continued when everyone could be there.

Thursday – Breakfast Bible Study was good, again—both the Bible Study and the Breakfast. In the office, I started collecting the works of Luther that are cited, quoted, and approved as confessional in the Lutheran Confessions from the notes of a brother-in-office. For instance, Luther’s Bondage of the Will is cited and commended as being a confessional document of the Lutheran church (specifically at Solid Declaration II.44). I got home and it was time for Genevieve to head to the library; she was supposed to take both big kids, but Robert had other ideas (and they weren’t good). She came back with Saving Mr. Banks on DVD; we watched it.

Friday – Finally time to write that sermon. I decided to run with a couple of phrases from a previous sermon on the subject. I’ll review it on Saturday, especially since I think I lay into my people a little hard in this one—but maybe it needs to be done. As I was about to leave the office, the ladies putting together the bulletin encountered a printing issue. So, I put my IT hat on and spent about half an hour diagnosing and correcting the issue; the thing is, I needed to get home as Genevieve had plans with a church member to go out and about. Thankfully, I wasn’t overly late. So, the two of them took the two little girls and headed to Parker. The big kids were downstairs on computers or outside, so I had the house mostly to myself. What did I do? Watch Crossbones off the DVR—so far, it seems to satisfy my interest in pirates. As I watched Crossbones, I worked on updating the Famwagner website. In short order, it was time to go to Bible Study; out to Kiowa I went. I arrived a little earlier, and the host showed me the foosball table that he picked up from the side of the road. After a little gaming, it was time to get into the philosophy that Luther included in his lectures on Genesis 1:6.

Saturday – It was a day of lounging, mostly. While I lounged, I watched some Warehouse 13, season 4 and worked on the Photo Albums section of Famwagner. Famwagner is updated and released. I took a second look at the sermon, as is my custom, and made some changes here and there; I guess we’ll see how that goes tomorrow.

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