If God meant for us to eat raw fish, He would not have invented fire.
‹G. A. Wagner›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
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What I Did This Week, no. 26

birthday week

I turned another year older this week. If you stop and think about that, it sounds weird. I mean, I’m only a week older than I was last week. However, Sunday was my birthday, so I turned a year older. Technically, as that’s how birthdays work, I began my 39th year of existence on this planet. Though, I suppose technically again, that happened nine months earlier; life begins at conception, after all, and life is sacred.

Sunday – I celebrated my birthday with the Lord’s Supper. That doesn’t happen often, every six or seven years or so, I guess, as the calendar goes. On top of that, we have a tradition at my congregation of transferring the observance of the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession to the nearest Sunday, which happened to be today. So, on a day on which I celebrate and remember being born in Augsburg, my congregation celebrated and remembered the Confession which clearly spelled out what it means to be Lutheran. Genevieve made one of my favorite meals: chicken artichoke bake.

Monday – My day off was spent doing what I do on most days off: nothing! That’s what I like about days off.

Tuesday – So I went into the office and looked at the texts, like I normally do. I came up with a few ideas to develop later. Then, it was time to go back home. It was a short day, not much happened, but the stuff that did was a bit long.

Wednesday – Today is the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession. It was another office day, fleshing out ideas and preparing some stuff for tonight. As part of that celebration, I watched the 2003 movie Luther when I got home, which ends with the events of the day (but not before repairing the DVD player). Then, it was back to church for Confessions study; I had thought maybe to watch the movie this evening, but it didn’t seem right to spend too long at church in the evening, so we continued with our reading of the Formula of Concord.

Thursday – Breakfast Bible Study time, and I was the teacher today. We spent some time in Philippians. In fact, we spent some time in Philippians 3, where Paul counts his pedigree to be rubbish. Of course, I had to explain that the word Paul uses there is closer to the word shit in our usage—a strong word, which he uses to counter the strength of his pedigree. Back in the office, and it was back to sermon study. I’m pretty sure, now, what I’m going to be doing. The afternoon was spent hacking at the forest that was our yard, and salting the earth around out fire pit.

Friday – It was sermon writing day. I think it came together pretty good, but probably missing something. That’s what Saturday is for. Back home, and it was time to clean as we were the hosts for Bible Study this evening. Before we knew it, it was time for Bible Study. We finished Genesis 1:6 and began to look at the events of the third day of creation.

Saturday – Little happened today. I spend much of the day watching Warehouse 13—the last five episodes of season 4, and the first two from season 5. I review the sermon and added that last little bit that was needed. And so ended the week.

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