Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.
‹Lady Margaret Thatcher›
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author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 28


It’s nice to have a week that is back to “normal.” I was able to be in the office every work day this week. I was able to get to Bible Study on Thursday morning. The regular weekday classes were held this week. It was quite a contrast from last week. Oh, and there was Cow Appreciation Day.

Sunday – As mentioned in the last post, the preaching was mostly borrowed. Catechesis for the boys happened right after church. The rest of the day was the Sunday dumbs.

Monday – A day off like most others: relaxing as much as possible in the summer heat.

Tuesday – As I usually do in the office on Tuesday, I looked at this Sunday’s lection, mostly in preparation for the sermon. The afternoon was pretty much a slow one, though I did go back to the office to meet with some members.

Wednesday – Back in the office to do a little more study and prep, and get a few other things done. The hymn was picked for tonight, then it was back home for a short bit. Back at church for Lutheran Confessions Study.

Thursday – An early morning to finish studying Philippians and begin Colossians. I was the teacher at the morning class. Then it was into the office to shore up sermon plans. It was a pretty quiet afternoon at home.

Friday – Cow Appreciation Day...not that there is any particular reason to set aside a day to appreciate the bovine, but the second Friday in July is the day Chick-fil-a designates as such. Dress up like a cow and get a free meal. Of course, I needed to spend time in the office, first. Got the sermon written, and still had time for a few other things, so I got those done, too. Then, it was time to go home, don the cow clothes, and get a free lunch. Wait, first, I was called back to church to jump a truck; unfortunately, the battery cable contacts were so corroded, that one of them was corroded all the way through. Now, it was time to get ready to go to Chick-fil-a. We went with a member from church, had lunch, hung around for a bit, then headed to Parker for free Slurpees (it was 7/11). Then home, and shortly thereafter, to Bible Study for me.

Saturday – Today was kind of a weird day. I was feeling really sore, like perhaps I slept wrong. So the day was spent doing some pain management. By the time it was time to go to bed, I was running a fever.

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