I fear my inferiority complex is not as good as yours.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 34


It’s been difficult to get back into the routine, and this week was no different. It was difficult to prepare the sermon for Sunday, but I was able to get one out. I tried something a little different on Wednesday as an attempt to kick start my brain (some stuff I had to do anyway), though I don’t know if it worked. And the rest of the week went like I normally take one, though it took a little more effort.

Sunday – So, it was time to give that sermon a go. People appreciated the exposition, and I owe a lot of that to my brother pastor. After church, I had class with the young lady who has been going through catechetical instruction; she has returned from her summer “job” away from home. It was good to have her back. Then, on to class with the boys. And, boy, is my brain fried after all of this.

Monday – My usual day off. Nothing of much interest to report here, that I recall.

Tuesday – Back in the office. This coming Sunday is the Feast of St. Bartholomew, so I took a look at those texts. There’s an obvious connection between Jacob and Nathanael (Bartholomew), so I start working in that direction. Thoughts and ideas continue to run through my head as I return home.

Wednesday – Today, I worked on getting the next set of introit and gradual inserts done. I needed to get them done as we were near the end of the set of inserts I had previously prepared. It served, also, as a bit of distraction from all the reading and thinking about Sunday’s texts, something of a mental reset. I also had to prepare for class tonight—the first time we’d be back at the Confessions in a while. After a brief time at home, it was off to church. It was quiet there for a while before a family showed up. They asked if they were it. I knew one other family was going to be gone, but then I checked my phone and sure enough I had received a text from another that they were going to miss. I told the family that showed up that I’m willing to have class or we can wait until a time when others are all there; they decided to go home.

Thursday – The morning started as Thursday mornings usually do: an early departure to Parker for Bible Study. Then, it was time to go back to the office and do a little more reading and study on Sunday’s Gospel. I got a great idea of what direction I wanted to take the sermon in, though it cam right near the end of my time in the office. It wasn’t until I got home that I had the thought to read some Luther. Luther’s Works, American Edition, include some of his writings on John 1. What I found on this text confirmed my thoughts, and even gave me some amazing material to quote. The afternoon was me and the kids at home as Genevieve had a time out with a friend. A little Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, a little napping, a little computer time, a chicken and rice dish for supper, and a good time was had by all.

Friday – So, the day is here, and it is time to write the sermon. It takes all of my time in the morning to do it, which is a little more than usual, but I got it done. Well, I got a manuscript put together, anyway. Things will be tightened tomorrow. Tonight, though, was Bible Study. After a short stay at home, it was time to go a little past Kiowa. It had just rained, and their roads were quite sloppy; but who doesn’t like a little mud bogging in a mini van? After a lot of catching up with each other and a little study, it was time to go back home, where a friend joined us for a wind down evening.

Saturday – After a slow start in the morning, in the afternoon I spent some time looking through some computer systems for a church member who works with x-ray equipment. His little up-start company is looking at offering off-site storage of digital images to their clientele (mostly vets and chiropractors), and bringing me in to help administrate this. I’m hoping that they’re not biting off more than they can chew, so I’m trying to steer them toward something small to start which they can move away from as the company grows. The evening was spent looking over the sermon and tightening it up, as well as making pizza sandwiches for the kids.

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