That our ultimate picture of success is a crucified Messiah means any conversation about success will be incompatible with a "bigger is better" mentality
‹Tim Suttle›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 37

I really need to take the time each day to do these

I’m going to make this another short one.

Sunday went pretty normaly with the Divine Service and two catechesis classes, except that Genevieve had to stay home with an ill Tirzah. In catechesis, the young lady, we had finished OT Catechesis and began NT this week. Monday was a good day off, though Tirzah still was sick. Tuesday started out with a normal day in the office, wrestling with the texts for the upcoming Sunday; on Tuesdays, though, the family normally goes to the library, but with Tirzah still ill, I took the other three kids. The kids got books, and I came home with some movies. A someone normal Wednesday in the office preparing for the evening’s studies. I also had to prepare for tomorrow morning, as I was teaching the breakfast Bible Study. The evening study went really well, but I was left with a bunch of mental fatigue due to information overload. Thursday started off really nicely—more study, more information, more brain strain. I was able to do some recovery this evening. Friday came and it was time to write the sermon; it was the normal exercise that it has been the past few weeks. I was able to take some time to prepare for Bible Study this evening. After Bible Study, it was back home for some pizza; I was hungry and tired. Saturday was spent watching kids and their movies, the evening in finalizing the sermon.

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