There is a rank due to the United States, among nations, which will be withheld, if not absolutely lost, by the reputation of weakness. If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known that we are at all times ready for war.
‹George Washington›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 38

manual labor and Confessions study

This was a good week, for the most part. Study went well, though the fruits of it weren’t readily apparent. I had a day of study away from the office. There was also some concern over one of the kids. So, let’s get into the meat of it, shall we?

Sunday – I love Sundays. To be in the Word, and receive the manifest Word in the Sacrament of the Altar is beyond compare. It takes a lot out of me, to the point that I’m spent in early afternoon. Of course, that’s after two catechesis session, too.

Monday – What can be said about my day off? It was a time to recover from yesterday. Oh, but wait, we spent the day helping a man recently released from his call (forced out) to move into a place in Engelwood. It was good to make the connection and to let a man and his family know that there are those out there that still think them human (contrary to what a man on CRM can often feel).

Tuesday – Back in the office today. It was time to study for St. Matthew’s day, but I also had a couple of emails to send. I have an idea what direction to take the sermon in, but I need to develop it more. After office, it was time to go to the library, as Tuesday is our library day.

Wednesday – Office time was spent preparing for the class tonight. Once I got that done, I had to work on the sermon some more; I wouldn’t have the time to do that tomorrow, like I normally do. In short order, it was time to go back home and then back again for class. I think this is the day we started noticing some bites on Tirzah’s legs; of course, she had a few already on her abdomen on Monday that we thought were mosquito bites...maybe they’re related.

Thursday – The day started like it normally does, and early drive to Parker for breakfast and Bible Study. From there, I had a drive into Denver as the Colorado Confessional Lutherans started up again. It was a good group with many of our members making a return to the session, and even a couple new faces. Our topic was a bit of review fro before we broke for the summer, but that should be helpful as we continue through our study of Augustana, the Confutation, and the Apology. It was late afternoon, practically evening, when I got home. Tirzah had a few more bites on her legs.

Friday – Well, I was directionless this morning. I put a few words to screen, but nothing really came together. With about an hour left in my office time, I had to throw in the towel and find something else to go with. Before going home, though, I had to stop by the pet supply store in town for a spray to get rid of whatever bugs are biting Tirzah. We tried to identify the bugs by the bites, and they seem to be fleas...but from what and where? So, we washed and sprayed and treated Tirzah, hoping that this will end what’s, um, bugging her.

Saturday – So, it would appear that our efforts last night worked. I noticed no new bites on Tirzah. She’s scratching a few of them, but they don’t seem to be bothering her too much. Otherwise, today was a day to prepare for tomorrow. Shoring up the sermon, looking things over, getting “into it” mentally—the usual routine for me.

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