She's so blonde...she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.
‹Jim Genthe›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 39

bites or pox

So, are they bug bites? That’s what we thought for most of the week. That thought changed near the end of the week, though. Of course, we were scratching our heads (pun intended) trying to figure out what exactly was going on with our little girl. Otherwise, when I wasn’t thinking about that stuff, I tried to see to what I needed to do during my regular work week.

Sunday – St. Matthew’s day came, and it was time to go teach and preach and administer the sacraments. As always, it was fantastic to be able to do it again. After church, I left the girls there as Genevieve was hosting a Lilla Rose party (they’re these bejeweled hair bands, etc.). It wasn’t too long when I was called back to pick up Tirzah as she had started sneezing and snotting up her face. I was able to bring her along with me for catechesis with the boys. Add another cog to the “What is Tirzah sick with” conundrum.

Monday – A much-needed day off.

Tuesday – Back in the office, but only for a little bit. I went in a little early so that I could get some office work done, but I also wanted to head to Elbert to visit my only shut-in (and she only semi-shut-in). So, shortly after arriving, out I went. It’s an indescribable joy to bring Jesus to people away from the church building. Back home to change, and off to the library.

Wednesday – Today, I get a full day in the office. So, like I normally do on Tuesday morning, I started looking at the texts for Sunday. I’m thinking I’m going to preach on the Epistle...from Revelation. I pulled out the commentary by one of my sem profs, Dr. Louis Brighton, and came up with an idea for the sermon. I just needed to get in touch with a brother-in-office who preached on this text Thursday last week and see if I could look at his notes or manuscript and quote him. I also had to prepare for class tonight, so I was quickly able to do just that. It was a good class this evening, too.

Thursday – An early morning for Bible Study and breakfast. I love going to this study, and I like my usual there. I walk into the room we use at the restaurant and see that the server already had my tea order waiting for me. They’re getting to know me. Well, after that, it was back to the office to study some more. I got the notes I was asking for, so that should provide me some material for the sermon. Underlining and starring things commenced in greater fervor. It was this evening that it dawned on us that what Tirzah might have is chicken pox. The marks look like them, but she’s not getting them like they normally go, and she’s not acting as miserably as we expect.

Friday – Well, now it was time to write the sermon. It took a little time and a little more effort than I was thinking, but I got a good start on a manuscript. I’ll use tomorrow to finish it. We normally have Bible Study on Friday evenings, but we called it off this evening since those who normally attend are out of town. However, we still had our friend from Denver over, had supper with her, and enjoyed her company. I nearly burned the house down. I was grilling some chicken and potatoes on the grill. I had taken the chicken off the grill, but I didn’t notice the olive oil seeping out of the foil from the potatoes. It ignited not long after I got back inside, and the back yard was filled with smoke. Luckily, I have a hose running back near the grill, and I doused the flames. The grill is a little worse for wear, but it still works (and the potatoes were delicious).

Saturday – I know it still works because I would grill again this evening. Of course, before I got there, there was the matter of finishing the sermon. Well, okay, I only finished off the sermon AFTER grilling and eating. Otherwise, this was a day to try to relax and prepare for tomorrow.

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