It is the madness of folly, to expect mercy from those who have refused to do justice; and even mercy, where conquest is the object, is only a trick of war; the cunning of the fox is as murderous as the violence of the wolf.
‹Thomas Paine›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
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What I Did This Week (and Last), nos. 41 and 42

when the time slips away

Okay, so last week got away from me a little bit. So did this week, to an extent. So, I’ll be doing a double week post again. There’s a lot of material to cover, at least for some days, so let’s see how long of a post this will be. Here goes...

Week 41

Sunday – It was another Sunday at church without Genevieve and Tirzah. Tirzah looks to be coming out from her chicken pox, so we’re hoping that they’ll be able to attend next week. It was a routine day otherwise, though without the boys going through catechesis; we’ll resume that next month.

Monday – A day off like last week, looking at Tirzah and her spots, and hoping the others get it, too.

Tuesday – Back to work today. Studying the texts today left me with more uncertainty than when I started. I have a couple of ideas with the sermon, but I’m not sure where I should go, so I hope to be able to pick an idea and study to develop it. Our time at the library was just me and the three older kids. It didn’t last long due to an “incident” (I’ll just leave it at that).

Wednesday – I had to prepare for this evening. We should be finishing up the Catalog of Testimonies tonight. So, I wanted to get the Vespers service planned and read the material to get a leg up on it. A short time at home was met with time to return to church.

Thursday – So Bible Study this morning. It was pretty normal except for the fact that The Egg & I changed their menu. No longer is my usual available. I tried something different (obviously) with lots of potatoes and pork; it was delicious, but not as good as what I had usually ordered. In the office, it was back to studying for the sermon, but I just couldn’t get my head into it. Time at home was spent in the pages of a library book, the first fiction book I’ve enjoyed in a long time called Dies the Fire.

Friday – Sermon writing day came, and I was still nowhere close to getting something together. I spent a little time thinking about what I wanted to write, but when my time was running short, I had to borrow one. It was one to which I was able to do some pretty good modification. Again, it was time to go home, but only briefly, before time again to head out to Bible Study. It’s...interesting reading Luther’s comments on Genesis 1.

Saturday – A slow morning was met with evening. Well, it sure felt slow before the evening came. I had to review the sermon, make sure it still made as much sense as I thought it did yesterday, and it was time to get the kids bathed.

Week 42

Sunday – Hey, we’re all back in church today! No catechesis, though. Still, a good and tiring day.

Monday – And Monday is a day to recover from Sunday.

Tuesday – Back to work again. As much as I was stumped with last week’s text, this time around, I had parts of the sermon written before it was time to go home. We all made it to the library today, but it was also cut short but another “incident.”

Wednesday – Like last week, I had to prepare for tonight. Unlike last week, I wanted to do more other studying, too, as I would be missing office time tomorrow. Thankfully, I got a lot of the sermon work done already yesterday. So, the usual preparation for tonight, service and some pre-reading. Also, some preparation for tomorrow, when the Colorado Confessional Lutherans meet. In short order, it was time to go home. It was a nice day, and the car needed to be washed, so Tirzah, Mikaela, and I went out to wash the car. Thanks to Tirzah, these are the cleanest the headlights have ever been. The card dried in time to go back to church for Confessions study at church.

Thursday – So, since my usual is off the menu, I’m going through the menu to find something I like. This morning, it was a sandwich. It was good, but last week’s meal was better. From here, it was off to Golden for CCL. After adjourning for the day, the trip back involved stops at Penzeys, Staples, and Best Buy; there was a coupon for a free jar of spices, I had three printer ink tanks to recycle, and Best Buy had a better price on an ink tank that I needed for the office. By the time all was done, it was nearly 12 hours out of the house. I was exhausted today.

Friday – So, it was finally time to finish the sermon. That was done in short order, so I got a few other things done in the office; that was a nice departure. When I got home, it was time to prepare for a party. A church member and her husband who live in Denver invited us over for a Fall party. So, we headed out after a quick supper, picked up what we wanted to bring, and made our way into Denver. All six of us had a good time, and it was midnight by the time we got back home.

Saturday – Another slow start to this Saturday. Kids are getting bathed, I’m reading my book and watching some recorded Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and in a little while I’ll be reviewing the sermon.

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