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Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 48

gobble gobble

This week is Turkey Week. It makes for a short work week, though I did have to extend it a bit compared to Turkey Weeks past. While I work Thanksgiving, we were able to get away for a bit; well, we got out of town and enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner courtesy of church members and friends. So, rather than sum it all up in this intro, let’s get to the meat of the post.

Sunday – The Last Sunday of the church year. It was an otherwise ordinary Divine Service, and that’s an amazing thing: Jesus came to His people and served them, especially in His body and blood. I like to add an extra hymn to the Last Sunday slate, right after the Post-Communion Collect. This year, we sang Day of Wrath, O Day of Mourning. I had the boys for Catechesis, but not the young lady.

Monday – It’s kind of become a normal request now to have griddle cakes on Monday morning. I made them again, a few regular ones for Tirzah, whose tummy might still be upset, and chocolate ones for the rest of us. It was a regular day off, otherwise; time to reflect on the work accomplished the past week.

Tuesday – Back in the office, and today to write the Thanksgiving Sermon (which you can read and listen to, if you like). So, little time to study for Sunday’s sermon. Back home, and it was time to go to the library. I had been reading The Protector’s War, but couldn’t finish it in the three weeks I had it; since it was an inter-library loan, I couldn’t renew it, so I had to re-request it. I’ve been enjoying this series of books so far.

Wednesday – Today, I had to do some study for Sunday. I was able to accomplish that and have a pretty good idea where I’m going to go with the sermon. There is no class tonight, and it won’t resume until January, because Advent is coming up.

Thursday – Thanksgiving. It’s a later start than normal for me. I had downloaded The Crew Beta for my PS4 and played that before having to get ready for church. Church was at 10am, Service of Prayer and Preaching; we looked at what the Small Catechism said about thankfulness, specifically the First Article of the Creed and the Fourth Petition to the Lord’s Prayer. Back home for a bit and a chance to change, caught the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, then hit the road to Kiowa for dinner. On the way there, a rock was thrown up and chipped our windshield. Surprisingly, the claims center had someone working, so I was able to file the claim and schedule the repair for tomorrow—just a chip, no cost to us! Dinner and friends were great, and we stayed a little longer and enjoyed a game of Monopoly; everyone but Tirzah played (yes, even Molly)!

Friday – Back in the office, since I was not able to get Sunday’s sermon written. So, that’s what today was for. While I was there, the Safelite guy came out and repaired the chip—quick and easy. Back home, and Genevieve took off to do some “Black Friday” shopping—we need garbage bags and they were on sale today. She went with a friend, so she was gone for pretty much the rest of the day; the kids and I had a pretty good time, and I was also able to spend some time in Burnout Paradise with friends (on the PS3). Tirzah and I were asleep on the couch by the time Genevieve got back.

Saturday – A lazy day to prepare for tomorrow. Some play, some learning, some eating, and some editing. Then, bed time and sweet dreams for Sunday.

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