...[It] is not the remembered but the forgotten past that enslaves us.
‹C. S. Lewis›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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What I Did This Week, no. 49

Advent is in Full Swing

It’s the first week of Advent, which means two full-fledged church services. I say “full-fledged” because when we have Confessions study, we begin with Vespers, a full-fledged service to be sure, but the setting is more relaxed than the mid-week services during Advent and Lent. Before we get, there, though, of course, there is Sunday service. So, let’s get to the week...

Sunday – Ad Te Levavi, “Unto Thee Do I Lift Up...,” the first Sunday in Advent. Jesus comes to you humble on Palm Sunday (which the Gospel lesson was for today), as He came humbly at birth (born in a barn), as He still comes humbly in Word and Sacrament. When He comes in glory, the saving is over. Jesus given and received today. The boys had catechetical instruction, but my young lady was missing again today with familial responsibilities.

Monday – I got to enjoy my day off today, especially during the evening. The kids’ adopted Nana came over to watch them this evening so that Genevieve and I could enjoy a date night out away from them. We went to Red Robin.

Tuesday – Back in the office today to prepare for tomorrow. I got most of the sermon for tomorrow written, after reviewing a familiar text and it’s accompanying doctrine (the two natures of Christ). After getting back home, it was time to go the library. I had two things on hold there, and Genevieve wanted to clear up an issue with a book that Mikaela had checked out, returned, and the library lost; it shouldn’t be listed on her account as if she lost it. That took the time that she wanted to use for a project, so she ran off downstairs when we got home to finish that.

Wednesday – I got tonight’s sermon finished today, then started studying and reading for Sunday’s sermon. While this past Sunday Jesus came humbly, the text for this coming Sunday is Jesus talking about His coming in glory. After I got home, Genevieve took off in order to, among some other things, prepare supper for tonight. We volunteered (well, she did) to prepare part of the meal for the congregation before service tonight, along with the kids’ adopted Nana. While home, I played a little The Crew on PS4, before getting everyone ready and meeting Genevieve at church. Chicken soup, rice and chicken, a salad, and ice cream sandwiches before Evening Prayer made for a wonderful evening.

Thursday – An early day off as I headed to Parker for Bible Study. I had my (new) usual—the Cambridge Skillet. I realized on the way back to Elizabeth that I haven’t posted a picture of it yet, as I had done with my former usual. If I can remember next week, I’ll do that. In the office, it was time to study hard for sermon writing day tomorrow. I’m pretty confident I have a good grasp on the text. Then, back home. When I got home, Genevieve had to take off to prepare some stuff for St. Nicholas Day, which left me alone with the kids again. It was a good afternoon and evening in which I got a little more time in with The Crew. A little bit late dinner of Spätzle and gravy, and it was time to put the kids to bed, and I didn’t last too long after that.

Friday – Finally the day to write the sermon. I got through most of the material, and it felt like it had taken a good amount of time and that I was about two and a half pages through the sermon; once I got to the conclusion, I realized I was only at a page and a half. So, another short sermon...very good. Back home for a bit while Genevieve again headed to Nana’s house; she was back in time for me to get to Bible Study. I was home a bit later than normal, and it was time for bed not long after that.

Saturday – Happy St. Nicholas Day! The Arian Slapper or Puncher came today and gave the kids hot water bottles with covers to help keep them warm at night, along with the usual geld and candy canes. Genevieve prepared Tirzah’s birthday cake and some cookie dough, and we packed up cookie preparations and headed to Golden to make cookies with some friends. They fed us an amazing lunch, then the ladies and kids rolled, decorated, and baked the cookies while the men watched some league championship college football. Back home in the dark, the kids are bathed and in bed, and it’s time to dream about church tomorrow.

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