If God meant for us to eat raw fish, He would not have invented fire.
‹G. A. Wagner›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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What I Did This Week, no. 50

The End is Near!

Fifty. Five-Oh. 5-0. I’ve been thinking, actually, about week 52 since there are 4 more days in the year after week 52 and since I started this whole thing by trying to post a daily entry. I’m not sure yet if I’ll make the Number 52 entry an 11-day entry or the usual 7 then a daily entry for the last 4 days of the year. I’ve got some time to figure that out. As for this week, however, it seemed pretty normal—normal, that is, for a week in Advent.

Sunday – Populus Zion, the people of Zion, “Say to the Daughter of Zion....” Jesus given and received again, the people of Zion in this place forgiven and restored again. What great joy, even in this somber season! I had the boys for Catechesis, but not my young lady; from what I’m told we won’t see her again until after Christmas, thanks to her family.

Monday – My day off was spent with the kids; well, mostly the younger two. Genevieve used a lot of time away from the kids to get some projects finished.

Tuesday – Back in the office today to get ready for tomorrow night. I had the homily mostly written before it was time to go home. After getting home, it was time to go to the library. We spent some time there looking at books and movies, checked some out, and put holds on others. Back home, and Genevieve spent more time on some projects.

Wednesday – In the office, I finished up the sermon for tonight and spent a little time working on service planning for February. I was back home for a short while before it was time to go back to church for the mid-week dinner and service.

Thursday – Would believe I forgot to take a picture of my breakfast again? Well, I had the same thing that I have been having. Then, it was time to head back to Elizabeth for regular work. The task of the day was to study and prepare for Sunday’s sermon. When I returned home, Genevieve had to run off to work on those projects again. I grilled some hamburgers for dinner—grilling and hamburgers, not usual words for December 11.

Friday – Sermon writing day, and I’m not really sure what to do this time. I read some more stuff and find some snippets here and there to put together, but that effectively makes the sermon not mine. I had an afternoon appointment to visit some members at their new home, and from there, it was time to go to Bible Study. We returned to our study of Genesis by reading from Luther’s lectures on the book.

Saturday – Happy St. Lucia Day! Today was kind of a “meh” day. Not much really happened, but it felt kind of off. I played a little on the PS4, watched some shows from the DVR, and made some bread. Yeah, that’s the kind of day it was.

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