People with narrow minds usually have broad tongues.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 52

It's the End of the Year As We Know It.

Alright, so this update is just going to be this week. For the last four days of the year, I’ll be doing individual updates like I did to start the year off. As for this week, it was a pretty busy one which ended with a time of relaxation with family and a friend. But the busyness is to be expected with Christmas being in the week. A service on December 24, another on the 25th, and that’s in addition to what normally happens on Sunday.

Sunday – Before church, I was able to get something written for Christmas Day. I don’t remember ever being able to put something together like that before. Rorate Coeli, come down, ye heavens! Jesus given and received—I love that! There was a good crowd in church today, too; it was good to see our numbers again. After church, some members headed down to the Springs to visit with a former member, while I waited for a text to indicate readiness for catechesis. That never came, so I sent one asking what was up; yeah, they went back into Denver without letting me know, so there was no catechesis today. The sermon writing in the morning inspired me to do a rewrite of what I had put together for Christmas Eve; I think it was needed.

Monday – My day off was uneventful, and that’s fine. The break was welcome considering what the week upcoming will be like.

Tuesday – I spent my day back in the office preparing for Sunday. I’d like to get things finished by tomorrow since I won’t spend any time in the office on Thursday and would prefer not to go back on Friday. So, I noted what I needed to note for Holy Innocents and came up with an idea for the sermon. Genevieve ran some errands so that we could have homemade pizzas this evening, returning our library books that were due today, so we didn’t all go out. While she was out, I prepared the pizza dough and made some bread for baked French toast. Pizzas were made, some in the general shape and look of Christmas Trees, and a good dinner was had by all.

Wednesday – In the office, I put together what will be molded into Sunday’s sermon. I checked January’s calendar to be sure it was ready for printing and publishing, and got stuff ready for church this evening. Back home briefly before it was time to go to church for Christmas Eve service. Jesus give and received—I love that! Then, home to get into bed and ready for tomorrow.

Thursday – I awoke to find that the PlayStation Network was under attack. So, it has been impossible to see if a game that was downloaded for the kids really was and replaced the demo on the PS4 since it also requires network access. Anyway, off to church for Divine Service, Jesus given and received—I love that! Back home, and we had an orderly opening of gifts, each person in turn opening one at a time. I think it made it more enjoyable for us all since we got to enjoy the other person’s joy in opening something and see what they got. As they opened, the French toast baked, and once everyone was done, we saw the preparations for dinner: turkey and all of the fixings. While the turkey roasted, I chocolate-coated some hazelnut cookies. With those done, we all loaded up in our new pajamas to drop off some cookies at our friend’s house, then back home for dinner, a late, but delicious fare.

Friday – I was able to finish what I needed to finish on Wednesday, so we all stayed home for this Second Day of Christmas. The PSN was still under attack, so still no online gaming today. We were supposed to get some snow overnight, up to a foot. We probably got about half of that. Once it died down, I went out to clear our driveway and sidewalk. There was no Bible Study tonight, but our friend who often comes in from Denver still dropped by and spent the night.

Saturday – Another lazy day. I molded Sunday’s sermon today. The PSN is down, though the attack is over; those who perpetrated this attack really did some damage. Throughout the day, I kept checking and trying on the different systems so that I could get everything back up and running on my end. Other than that, nothing else really happened today.

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