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‹Emperor Charles V›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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It fealt really good to see this...to actually be able to watch (most of) the game. In the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party, the University of Florida Gators defeated the University of Georgia Bulldogs, 14-10.

I can't say I liked the uniforms all that much, though.

what was first reported

This is what GatorZone first reported that the Gators were going to wear. It was a one-game promotional idea by Nike, the team's uniform provider. It's very plain looking, minus the orange sleeve, of course.

cool replica of what they supposedly were going to wear

Here is a mock-up of what they were supposedly going to wear. This looks pretty good, in my opinion. But then, I like the piping; I think the piping makes the secondary colored sleeve work. At the same time, there isn't enough orange on that sleeve.

what they actually wore

This is what the team actually wore. As you can tell, these jerseys are almost identical to the ones that GatorZone reported. Striping was added to the blue sleeve. What this amounts to is the regular UF blue jersey with an orange sleeve. Wow, that's creative (please note the sarcasm there)!

Had the "second" option been what was used, with more orange on the sleeve, I think the Nike marketing idea would have worked. Florida wasn't the only school to undergo this "experiment." Virginia Tech had already tried it Thursday night (see here). Oregon is set to wear some really ugly jerseys in an upcoming game (see here). Finally, Miami will be wearing one against Georgia Tech (see here).

But, this thread is not supposed to be so much about Nike's promotions, but about the game in Jacksonville. Florida won, and has won 14 of the last 16 games against our hated rivals to the north!

It's great to be a Florida Gator!

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