She's so blonde...she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.
‹Jim Genthe›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray


site copyright notice

Möbius HTML Design
geoffrey at

Overview: All original material is copyrighted. Credit must be given when using any portion of it (see below for specific details). Nothing is to be used to one's financial gain without the expressed written consent of the owner of the copyright, unless otherwise noted (see below for specific details. All links and proper names (e.g., companies and other organizations) are registered to their respective owners; the owner of this copyright makes no ownership claims to such material. All third-party scripts and programs used are copyright to their respective owners; the owner of this copyright makes no ownership claims to such material. All quoted material is the property of the person, organization, or business that is being quoted; credit is given on this site when and where credit is due.

Sermons: All sermons are typically the sole intellectual property of the author of the sermon, though quotations and paraphrases of other material can be found throughout them. They are rightly-divided Law and Gospel; the proclaimed Word of God, Jesus given. They are published here for reader enjoyment and enlightenment. If you wish to make use of any part of or whole sermon, you are free to do so; letting the author know is nice, but not necessary.

Hymns: All hymns are the sole intellectual property of the author of the hymn (in this case, the owner of this site), unless otherwise noted. Under no circumstances are the hymns to be reproduced without the expressed written and signed consent of the owner of the copyright. If you wish to publish a hymn in any medium, please contact the owner of the copyright with your postal address so that conditions for use may be negotiated.

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Lexicon: Official definitions of words are taken from Mirriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, published by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated in Springfield, MA. It is copyright © MCMLXLVI.

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Journal: Entries in the site journal(s) are the ramblings of... Should you wish to quote what has been said in a journal entry, you may, as long as you give the site owner appropriate credit. As the site owner gives appropriate credit to sources he has quoted, he expects those who quote him to give him credit.

Photos: All original photographs that are found on the site are the property of the owner of this site. Under no circumstances are the photographs to be reproduced without expressed written and signed consent of the owner of the copyright. If you wish to publish a photograph in any medium, please contact the owner of the copyright with your postal address so that conditions for use may be negotiated. Photographs of events found in the journal are the property of their respective owners. Credit is given whenever possible.