Anything's possible...apart from skiing through a revolving door.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'coloradoconfessionallutherans'

Entries on this site with 'coloradoconfessionallutherans'

  • What I Did This Week, no. 51
    A busy week, or so it felt. As I look over what was done, it doesn’t look like a lot, but what I experienced of it is different than how it reads. I guess that’s because,
  • What I Did This Week, no. 47
    Little office time, but lots of work; that phrase exemplifies this week. There was a shut-in visit and a meeting up north. In all, I got two days in my office, and though
  • What I Did This Week (and Last), nos. 41 and 42
    Okay, so last week got away from me a little bit. So did this week, to an extent. So, I’ll be doing a double week post again. There’s a lot of material to cover, at least
  • What I Did This Week, no. 38
    This was a good week, for the most part. Study went well, though the fruits of it weren’t readily apparent. I had a day of study away from the office. There was also some
  • What I Did Today 20140116
    The morning began early. I was aroused from my sleep by the sound of the floor above me creaking. Someone was up there. It was a few minutes before my alarm was to go off,

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