The guilty think all talk is of themselves.
‹Geoffrey Chaucer›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'dayoff'

Entries on this site with 'dayoff'

  • What I Did Today 20141229
    To relax on my day off, I showed off what I had created in Minecraft to the kids. They were in awe of what I had learned to do with rails and minecarts. They played with m
  • What I Did Today 20140203
    I slept in today, as it was my day off. My alarm went off at 5:30, but I fell back asleep and was out of bed at 7. Upstairs, I watched some news, then went to play some NH
  • What I Did Today 20140127
    It was my day off today. I did nothing of any consequence. The big kids were supposed to clean their rooms, but were grumpy for having to do it; as a result, Molly and I s
  • What I Did Today 20140107
    Finally, a day off! This felt like an especially long Christmas season, so it was good, after yesterday, to have a day off. I spent the day doing most of the work on my NH

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