NANCY ASTOR: If I were your wife, I would put poison in your coffee!
CHURCHILL: And if I were your husband, I would drink it.
‹Winston Churchill›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'everydayanentry'

Entries on this site with 'everydayanentry'

  • Mission Accomplished
    So, with this post, I've have successfully posted to my blog at least once a day for 30 days. This also marks the 40th post this month. This is definitely the most posted
  • Huh...What?
    So, on some tabloid program this evening, the information on the subject of the show included: "Update on the death of Michael Jackson." My initial thought was, "Yup, he's
  • 4
    This post simply marks 4 weeks of daily posts in my Every Day an Entry mission. This is certainly the month with the highest post count...might even be the one with the mo
  • A Bunch of Guitar Hero-ing
    On a trip to Fred Meyer some time ago, I marveled at the price of Guitar Hero Aerosmith, guitar controller included. It was less than an off-brand guitar controller alone.
  • Raspberries
    In the midst of retrieving something we left in Salem the last time we were there, we went and got some fresh in farm fresh. Among the produce were some yummy
  • Lutheranism
    I have always thought of June 25 as a second Reformation Day. It's not halfway to October 31. It's not surrounded by any other holidays (unless, like me, you consider the
  • The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
    Prepare...that's the theme of this man's message. Today, the Church observes his birth, as he was six months older than his greater cousin, God Incarnate, Jesus Christ. Th
  • GAP Night
    Sorry, playing Burnout Paradise with GAP . I've been a member for several years, only now really getting involved. It's fun...GAP is a great group of people. A true friend
  • And...Another Happening
    I was born 33 years ago. I don't know which is the greater accomplishment, being born or making it to 33. As an aside, on the Guitar Hero games, my band name is Thirty3. C
  • A Hymn of the Day
    In church this morning, I was really struck by the lyrics to this hymn. Here are my collected thoughts on it. Awake, Thou Spirit, who didst fire The watchmen of the Church
  • Formula 1 is in Shambles
    I have written about my disgust over Formula in the past...countless times. I have thought, time and time again, that the governance of the sport was out of control. The t
  • I am a Legend of Rock
    When Circuit City was going out of business, one of the treasures we found was Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock for the PS3. Genevieve tried it out when we visited the Ste
  • Frustrations
    Grrr. As a child, I thought I hated everybody, but when I grew up I realized it was just children I didn't like. - Philip Larkin
  • Stats Analyzation
    I've got some stats I put together regarding this site. I'll be posting them when the month is over as a matter of comparison. But, before then, I want to take a little ti
  • I've Been Gaming
    I've been playing a lot of Burnout Paradise, lately. That is to say, when I play a video game, it's almost always Burnout Paradise. And, thanks to Father's Day and birthda
  • Aggravation and Taxes
    So, we fired our tax preparers today. It seems that when the firm hired a new person (who became part owner), she replaced the person who had been doing our taxes. That wa
  • In Honor of Flag Day
    A flag is a banner under which we assemble. It is a symbol of unity. It is nationalistic, cultural, or social (or all of them). It is a symbol which draws our attention an
  • Happy Birthday
    I think the titles say it all. Happy Birthday, dad. It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it. - W.Somerset Maugham
  • June is Such a Happening Month
    Has it really been 15 years? Wow! I can't believe I graduated from high school 15 years ago today. I wonder why I've never been contacted for any kind of reunion. Not that
  • St. Barnabas
    Today is St. Barnabas. So, for today's entry, here's a sermon from the archives. Enjoy! In the name of the Father and of the + Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. What we ha
  • Truth in Children's Entertainment
    Part of the folly of watching children's entertainment on long car trips...scratch that. Part of the folly of LISTENING to children's entertainment on long car trips is th
  • Zoo Day
    The Oregon Zoo is offering discounted admission today, so we're taking advantage of it and bringing the kids for a bit of a field trip. I mean, it's not as if they haven't
  • New Shoes
    So, after hacking away the forest that was our back yard, and I do mean forest, I realized that the soles of the shoes I normally wear were falling off. It was off to the
  • Ugh
    I've got to stop watching Gator sports that take place on a diamond. The girls softball team lost the National Championship in two games to Washington. Just now, the guys
  • Remembering D-Day
    Men stormed a beach in France against impossible odds, facing gun-fire from well-fortified and dug-in positions. The first men to set foot on Normandy would most likely me
  • Thank You
    Thanks to my sister and brother-in-law for this delicious recipe. We marinated some boneless, skinless chicken breasts in, of all things, Catalina dressing. It was delicio
  • Soft Drink of Choice
    I'm a Coke man. I like Diet Coke and Diet Coke with Lime and Coke Zero Vanilla and Barq's and Pibb. I don't like Pepsi. I think Pepsi is too sweet. Of course, I think the
  • Every Day an Entry
    What more can I say than has already been said? That reminds me of a passage from scripture. Let me sing for my beloved my love song concerning his vineyard: My beloved ha
  • The Day
    I didn't think it would take this long, but there's really nothing to add today. How about some bullet points? Robert had a dentist appointment today. It was his first vis
  • I'm on a Mission
    Blues Brothers reference aside, I'll be frank and up front about it. I want to fill the month of June with an entry every day. There may be days where there is one entry.

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