You can pretend to be serious; but you can't pretend to be witty.
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Tag overview for: 'formula1'

Entries on this site with 'formula1'

  • Hey Look, I'm Going to Ramble about Formula 1
    A few weeks ago, Renault F1 was accused of fixing the race result for the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix. They reportedly ordered their number 2 driver, Nelson Piquet Jr., to c
  • Here We Go Again
    And another post about Formula 1 in 3... 2... 1... Here we go again. It didn't take long for the next controversy. I didn't expect it to start in less than a week; I expec
  • YAF1P
    So, it seems the parties in Formula One have come to an agreement, if only temporary. So, for next year at least, there will be only one world-wide (ahem, not quite) premi
  • I'm Done...Through
    The myriad changes Formula 1 is going through are souring the taste for the sport for me. I don't mind the cost cutting changes, in fact, I applaud them. I like trying to
  • If This is True...
    Today may be National Signing Day or National Letter-of-Intent Day , and there may be some great news out of Gainesville, but the news that has me more excited comes from
  • The Truth Comes Out
    I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Ferrari are the preferred team among the F1 teams, and F1's CEO Bernie Ecclestone confirmed it. Check out these quotes (from this article
  • Congratulations Lewis Hamilton
    Lewis Hamilton has won the Formula One Driver's Championship. He needed to finish fifth in the final race to clinch it no matter what Filipe Massa did, but especially if M
  • Spying in Sports
    Word out of the NFL is that the Patriots of New England are getting fined and losing a draft pick. Punishment for what? Spying on their opponents; at least, video taping t
  • My Interest is Re-Piqued
    In high school, I developed an interest in auto racing, and this developed more in my college years. Now, in case you didn't know, I went to high school in the "deep south
  • I Didn't Have My Fun
    Now, it's gone too far. Some "lamer" is suing everyone in sight (related to Formula 1) because only six cars raced. I guess he (and the other two parties also bringing lit
  • Um, Shut Up, People
    Yesterday, in Indianapolis, was run the U.S. Grand Prix, a Formula 1 race run on a modified road course inside the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, site of the Indy 500. In ca

Related tags

bridgestone, ferrari, mclaren, michelin, usgrandprix

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