Jesus Christ is the only man ever to have died and lived to tell about it (besides Lazarus).
‹G. A. Wagner›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'legomarvelsuperheroes'

Entries on this site with 'legomarvelsuperheroes'

  • What I Did This Week, no. 9
    This was a good week, compared the last week. Things were slowly getting back to normal as half the family recovered from whatever ugly bug was caught last week. It was a
  • What I Did Today 20140130
    A Thursday morning finds me going to Parker for Breakfast Bible Study. Last week was called off the night before on the threat of inclement weather. Best not to try the ro
  • What I Did Today 20140129
    My morning time in the office was spent doing a little more sermon study. I was able to get a little more direction for Sunday from the Old Testament lesson appointed for
  • What I Did Today 20140128
    So, we got a little snow overnight. I checked outside when I got up to see if I had time to stay in or if I had to dress and do some snow removal. Two inches or so, so I d
  • What I Did Today 20140127
    It was my day off today. I did nothing of any consequence. The big kids were supposed to clean their rooms, but were grumpy for having to do it; as a result, Molly and I s
  • What I Did Today 20140125
    The day started out fairly normally. My alarm went off at 5:30, as it does every day. I turned it off and fell back asleep, but I was up again in two hours. Once upstairs,
  • What I Did Today 20140118
    I woke up with a headache. Took some drugs for it, and it went away quickly. I tried to spend some Christmas monies. I want to get a PlayStation 4. They were sold out. The

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easyday, nhl14, playstation4

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