I consider the government of the U.S. as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises.
‹Thomas Jefferson›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'pivotx'

Entries on this site with 'pivotx'

  • Upgraded
    Our blogs have been updated to the latest version of PivotX. Things seem to be working correctly. However, not every link was tested; not every part of the site was tested
  • Blog Stats
    I've done it again, though like this is a first time. The first time, I hacked PivotLog so that some basic UserAgent information is displayed with comments; then, converte
  • It Looks Different Around Here
    You may have noticed some slight changes to the site. No, you're not going crazy. I've updated to the latest version of Pivot, the script I use to blog. One of the new fea
  • Another Neat Trick or Hack
    NOTE... If you are using PivotX version 2.2.6 or later, this hack is now easier than ever to use, because it is now an extension (that works only with PivotX version 2.2.6
  • Welcome to PivotX - 2.0.0
    If you can read this, you have successfully installed PivotX . Yay!! To help you further on your way, the following links might be of use to you: PivotX.net - The official

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