Do every act of your life as if it were your last.
‹Marcus Aurelius›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'shortandsweet'

Entries on this site with 'shortandsweet'

  • What I Did This Week, no. 40
    Hey, look—it’s 40! Let’s do this quickly, shall we? First, Sunday...Genevieve stayed home with Tirzah under the suspicion that she has the chicken pox. The other three kid
  • What I Did This Week, no. 37
    I’m going to make this another short one. Sunday went pretty normaly with the Divine Service and two catechesis classes, except that Genevieve had to stay home with an ill
  • What I Did This Week, no. 29
    Another short entry this week, as I’m pressed for time. The week was pretty normal, as there were no major events. Sunday was a pretty typical Sunday. Monday was a regular
  • What I Did This Week, no. 23
    I think I’m going to be short again this week. Sunday was Exaudi, the Sunday after the Ascension of Our Lord. While anything but normal, Jesus was delivered and received y
  • What I Did This Week, no. 19
    Another short one this week. This week was spent entertaining family. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew were down from Washington (with their dog, of course). We spent
  • What I Did This Week, no. 18
    I’m gonna keep this short. This week, we did a lot of cleaning. We had some outlets downstairs changed to grounded outlets and had some new ones installed. Sermon prep saw

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