That our ultimate picture of success is a crucified Messiah means any conversation about success will be incompatible with a "bigger is better" mentality
‹Tim Suttle›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'sick'

Entries on this site with 'sick'

  • What I Did This Week, no. 36
    It feels like slow progress, if at all. Things just I spend mornings in the office, and I get work done, but it feels more difficult to do it. I get a sermon w
  • What I Did Today 20140209
    I was able to sleep a little longer and better last night. However, I still felt pretty miserable when I woke up. When we got to church, I told our pianist that I may not
  • What I Did Today 20140208
    I was feeling it a little yesterday. Today, however, it's on. I've got a cold. I woke up very early, and the reason was weird. My leg was out from under the covers and my

Related tags

cold, helix, webdesign

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