Slow is when someone laps you in the hundred yard dash.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'sochiolympichockey'

Entries on this site with 'sochiolympichockey'

  • What I Did Today 20140113
    Today we made homemade pizza! The morning was slow, more-or-less. I played the gold medal game in my Sochi Olympic hockey simulation, and trounced Canada. Now, I can get b
  • What I Did Today 20140111
    I slept in this morning. It felt good. Normally, I'm up at my alarm (or earlier) at 5:30. I turned it off this morning and fell back asleep. I finally got out of bed after
  • What I Did Today 20140110
    By now, my routine may be boring you. I don't blame you. I do seem to do the same things almost every day. Tuesday through Friday: office, home, sleep—with some variation.
  • What I Did Today 20140108
    A day at the office saw some preparation for the voters' meeting at the end of the month and some textual study for Sunday's sermon. I think I have a direction I want to g
  • What I Did Today 20140107
    Finally, a day off! This felt like an especially long Christmas season, so it was good, after yesterday, to have a day off. I spent the day doing most of the work on my NH
  • What I Did Today 20140106
    The morning saw me at the church office. I was working on some catechesis stuff, mostly. I also prepared the wax warmer to receive a cube scented like frankincense and myr
  • What I Did Today 20140104
    In preparation for Monday's Divine Service...well, the preceding potluck, I smoked a pork picnic. Chopped pork is going to be delicious, as always! While it smoked, I did
  • What I Did Today 20140103
    Another morning in the office. Couldn't get my head around the text for Monday, so I borrowed a sermon, making some changes here and there. I put the handout for Monday to
  • What I Did Today 20140102
    Today, I went into the office and prepared a sermon for Sunday. Nothing like closing out the Christmas season with a bloody text. Other than that, it was back home to rela

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granturismo6, nhl14

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