The hot dog is the best, most loyal dog in the world: it feeds the hand that bites it.
‹Jim Genthe›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray

Tag overview for: 'wisdomofsolomon'

Entries on this site with 'wisdomofsolomon'

  • What I Did Today 20140214
    The truck ran pretty good, today. It didn't hesitate at all on the way to church; only a little on the way back home, and that only briefly, compared to what happened on W
  • What I Did Today 20140207
    So, after a day away from the office, the temperatures were remarkably warmer, so back into the office I went. While there, I put together a sermon with the help of a brot
  • What I Did Today 20140124
    So, the morning was spent at the office. I got the sermon for Sunday put together. Bits of it by one brother in office, bits by another, bits by me, and bits of a hymn. Af
  • What I Did Today 20140117
    My time in the office this morning was spent writing the sermon I had rambling through my head for the past week. As you'll see on Sunday, the wedding at Cana is not about

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apocrypha, biblestudy, housecleaning, sermon

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