Slow is when someone laps you in the hundred yard dash.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray


A List of Big Words I Use

  • amaneunsis \ə-ˌman-yə-ˈwen(t)-səs\ n, pl -en·ses \-(ˌ)sēz\ [L, fr. (servus) a manu slave with secretarial duties](1619) : one employed to write from dictation or to copy manuscript
  • Anabaptist \ˌan-ə-ˈbap-təst\ n : a Protestant sectarian of a radical movement arising in Zurich in 1524 and advocating the baptism and church membership of adult believers only, nonresistance, and the seperation of church and state
  • behoove \bi-ˈhüv\ vb [ME behoven, fr. OE behōfian, fr. behōf] vt (bef. 12c) : to be necessary, proper, or advantages for ~ vi : to be necessary, fit, or proper
  • benefice \ˈbe-nə-fəs\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML beneficium, fr. L favor, promotion, fr. beneficus](14c)    1 : an ecclesiastical office to which the revenue from an endowment is attached    2 : a feudal estate in lands
  • breach 1 \ˈbrēch\ n [ME breche fr. OE bræ̅c at of breaking: akin to OE brecan to break](bef. 12c)   1 : infraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard    2   a : a broken, ruptured, or torn condition or area   b : a gap (as in a wall) made by battering    3   a : a break in accustomed friendly relations   b : a temporary gap in continuity : HIATUS    4: a leap esp. of a whale out of water
  • breach 2 vt(1547)    1 : to make a breach in    2 : BREAK, VIOLATE ~ vi : to leap out of water
  • charisma \kə-ˈriz-mə\ also charism \ˈkar-ˌi-zəm\ n, pl charismata \kə-ˈriz-mə-tə, ˌkər-iz-ˈmä-tə\ also charisms [Gk charisma favor, gift, fr. charizesthai to favor, fr. charis grace; akin to Gk charein to rejoice—more at YEARN](ca. 1641)    1 : an extraordinary power (as of healing) given a Christian by the Holy Spirit for the good of the church    2   a : a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)   b : a special magnetic charm or appeal
  • corroborate \kə-ˈrä-bə-ˌrāt\ vt -rat·ed; -rat·ing [L corroboratus, pp. of corroborare, fr. com- + robor-, robur strength](1530) : to support with evidence or authority : make more certain
  • credence \ˈkrē-dən(t)s\ n [ME, fr. MF or ML; MF, fr. ML credentia, fr. L credent-, credens, prp. of credere to believe, trust—more at CREED](14c)    1   a : mental acceptance as true or real   b : CREDIBILITY    2 : CREDENTIALS—used in the phrase letters of credence    3 [MF, fr. OIt credenza] : a Renaissance sideboard used chiefly for valuable plate    4 : a small table where the bread and wine rest before consecration
  • disenchant \ˌdis-ən-ˈchant\ vt [MF disenchanter, fr. des- + enchanter to enchant] : to free from illusion
  • disillusion \ˌdis-ə-ˈlü-zhən\ n : the condition of being disenchanted
  • egregious \i-ˈgrē-jəs\ adj [L egregius, fr. e- + greg-, grex herd - more at GREGARIOUS](ca. 1534)    1 archaic : DISTINGUISHED    2 : CONSPICUOUS; esp : conspicuously bad : FLAGRANT
  • engross \in-ˈgrō, en-\ vt [ME, fr. AF engrosser, prob. fr. ML ingrossare, fr. L in + ML grossa large handwriting, fr. L, fem. of grossus thick](15c)    1   a : to copy or write in a large hand   b : to prepare the usu. final handwritten or preinted text of (an official document)    2 [ME, fr. MF en gros in large quantities]   a : to purchase large quantities of (as for speculation)   b : archaic AMASS, COLLECT   c : to take or engage the whole attention of : occupy completely
  • exacerbate \ig-ˈza-sər-ˌbāt\ vt [L exacerbatus, pp. of exacerbare, fr. ex- + acerbus harsh, bitter, fr. acer sharp—more at EDGE](1660) : to make more violent, bitter, or severe
  • hypostasis \hi-'päs-tə-səs\ n, pl -ta·ses \-ˌsēz\ [LL, substance, sediment, fr. Gk, support, foundation, substance, sediment, fr. hyphistasthai to stand under, support, fr. hypo + histasthai to be standing — more at STAND](1590)    1   a : something that settles at the bottom of a fluid   b : the settling of blood in the dependent parts of an organ or body    2 : PERSON    3   a : the substance or essential nature of an individual   b : something that is hypostatized    4 [NL, fr. LL] : failure of a gene to produce its usual effect when coupled with another gene that is epistatic toward it
  • hypostatize \hi-'päs-tə-ˌtīz\ vt -tized; -tiz·ing [Gk hypostatos substantially existing, fr. hyphistasthai](1829) : to atribute real identity to (a concept)
  • iamb \ˈī-ˌam(b)\ or iambus \ī-ˈam-bəs\ [L iambus fr. Gk iambos](1586) : a metrical foot consisting of one short syllable followed by one long syllable or of one unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable (as in above).
  • iambic \ī-ˈam-bik\ [L iambus, fr. Gk iambos](1586) : of, relating to, or consisting of iambs
  • ingenious \in-ˈjē-yəs\ adj [ME ingenyous, fr. MF ingeniuex, fr. L ingeniosus, fr. ingenium natural capacity - more at ENGINE](15c)    1 obs : showing or calling for intelligence, aptitude, or discernment    2 : marked by especial aptitude at discovering, inventing, or contriving    3 : marked originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution
  • itemize \ˈīt-ə-ˌmīz\ vt : to set down in detail or by particulars : LIST
  • lexicon \ˈlek-sə-ˌkän also -kən\ n, pl lex·i·ca \-kə\ or lexicons [LGk lexikon, fr. neut. of lexikos of words, fr. Gk lexis word, speak, fr. legein to say - more at LEGEND](1603)    1 : a book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language and their definitions : DICTIONARY    2   a : the vocabulary of a language, an individual speaker or group of speakers, or a subject   b : the total stock of morphemes in a language    3 : REPERTOIRE, INVENTORY
  • macabre \mə-ˈkäb; -ˈkä-brə, -bər; -ˈkäbrə\ adj [F, fr (danse) macabre dance of death, fr. MF (danse de) Macabré](1889)    1 : having death as a subject : comprinsg or including a personalized representation of death    2 : dweling on the gruesome    3 : tending to produce horror in a beholder
  • moniker \ˈmä-ni-kər\ n [prob. fr. Shelta (language of Irish itinerants) mŭnnik, modif. of Ir ainm](1851) : NAME, NICKNAME
  • pericope \pə-ˈri-kə-pē\ n [LL, fr. Gk perikopē section, fr. peri + kopē act of cutting, fr. koptein to cut—more at CAPON](1658) : a selection from a book; specif: LECTION
  • perturb \pər-ˈtərb\ vt [ME fr. MF perturber, fr L perturbare to throw into confusion, fr. per- + turbare to disturb - more at TURBID](14c)    1 : to disturb greatly in mind : DISQUIET    2 : to throw into confusion : DISORDER    3 to cause to experience a perturbation
  • perturbation \ˌpər-tər-ˈbā-shən, ˌpər-ˌtər-\ n (14c)    1 : the action of perturbing : the state of being perturbed    2 : the distrubance of motion, course, arrangement, or state of equilibrium; esp : a disturbance of the regular and usu. elliptical course of motion of a celestial body that is produced by some force additional to that which causes its regular motion
  • pervade \pər-ˈvād\ vt per·vad·ed; per·vad·ing [L pervadere to go through, pervade, fr per- through + vadere to go - more at PER WADE](1659) : to become diffused throughout every part of
  • pervasive \pər-ˈvā-siv, -ziv\ adv (ca. 1750) : that pervades or tends to pervade
  • prelate \ˈpre-lət also ˈprē-ˌlāt\ n [ME prelat, fr. OF, fr. ML praelatus, lit., one receiving preferment, fr. L (pp. of praeferre to prefer), fr. prae- + latus, pp. of ferre to carry - more at TOLERATE, BEAR](13c) : an ecclesiastic (as a bishop or abbot) of superior rank
  • purview \ˈpər-ˌvyü\ n [ME purveu, fr. AF perveu est it is provided (opening phrase of a statute)](15c)    1   a : the body or enacting part of a statute   b : the limit, purpose, or scope of a statute    2 : the range or limit of authority, competence, responsibility, concern, or intention    3 : range of vision, understanding, or cognizance
  • Quasi Modo Geniti \ˈkwä-si\ \ˈmō-(ˌ)dō\ \ˈje-nə-tē also ˈzhe-nə-tē\    1 : The Latin name on the historic church calendar for the First Sunday after Easter (or Second Sunday of Easter) that is derived from the first phrase of the introit for the day - quasi modo geniti infantes, As newborn babes...    2 : LOW SUNDAY
  • raucous \ˈrȯ-kəs\ adj [L raucous hoarse; akin to L ravis hoarseness](1769)    1 : disagreeably harsh or strident : HOARSE    2 : boisterously disorderly
  • reprieve \ri-ˈprēv\ vt re·prieved; re·priev·ing [alter. of earlier repry, perh. fr. MF repris, pp. of reprende to take back](1596)    1 : to delay the punishment of (as a condemned prisoner)    2 : to give relief or deliverance to for a short time    ‹ the second definition is closest, though scratch "for a short time"
  • sectarian \sek-ˈter-ē-ən\ n    1 : an adherent of a sect    2 : a narrow or bigoted person
  • synod \ˈsi-nəd also -ˌäd\ n [ME sinod, fr. LL synodus fr. LGk synodos, fr. Gk, meeting, assembly, fr. syn- + hodos way, journey](14c)    1 : an ecclesiastical governing or advisory council: as    a : the governing assemlby of an Episcopal province    b : a Presbyterian governing body ranking between the presbytery and the general assembly    c : a regional or national organization of Lutheran congregations    2 : the ecclesiastical district governed by a synod
  • trochaic \trō-ˈkā-ik\ adj [MF trochaïque fr. L trochaicus, fr. Gk trochaikos, fr. trochaios trochee](1589) : of, relating to, or consisting of trochees
  • trochee \ˈtrō-(ˌ)kē\ n [prob. fr. MF trochée, fr. L trochaeus, fr. Gk trochaios, fr. trochaios running, fr. trochē run, course, fr. trechein to run; akin to Gk trochos wheel, OIr droch](1589) : a metrical foot consisting of one long syllable followed by on short syllable or of one stressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable (as in apple).
  • vicar \ˈvi-kər\ n [ME, fr. L vicarius, fr. vicarius vicarious](14c)    1 : one serving as a substitute or agent; specif: an administrative deputy    2 : an ecclesiastical agent: as   a : a Church of England incumbent receiving a stipend but not the tithes of a parish   b : a member of the Episcopal clergy or laity who has charge of a mission or chapel   c : a member of the clergy who exercises a broad pastoral responsibility as the representative of a prelate    ‹ akin to definition #1 and #2c, in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a man who is enrolled in the Master of Divinity Program (studying to be a pastor) at Concordia Seminary - St. Louis or Concordia Theological Seminary - Ft. Wayne who is on his internship is called a vicar
  • vicarage \ˈvi-k(ə-)rij\ n (15c)    1 : the benefice of a vicar    2 : the house of a vicar    ‹ both definitions apply; the year internship of a vicar is also referred to as a vicarage
  • warrant officer \ˈwȯr-ənt, ˈwär-\ \ˈä-fə-sər, ˈȯ-\ n    1 : an officer in the armed forces holding rank by virtue of a warrant and ranking above a noncommissioned officer and below a commissioned officer    2 : a commissioned officer in the navy or coast guard ranking below an ensign