We go to the Lord’s Supper as though going to our death, so that we may go to our death as though going to the Lord’s Supper.
‹Rev. Dr. Ken Korby›
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author: Stingray
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Change Your Name to Jesus

...and try to get licensed to do anything...

I could go in all sorts of directions with a response to this story (see Source: below). I mean, isn't denying this man an official name chang and subsequent driver's license a breach of his first amendment right to worship as he pleases? Or, what kind of hassle would he have gotten if he wanted to change his name to Siddhartha Gautama (the founder of Buddhism) or Mohammed [something-or-other] (after the founder of Islam)? In fact, I'm sure those last two would be encouraged! Or, I could ask, "why isn't his other driver's license proof enough that that's his real name—it works for the people I write checks to?"

But I won't...

"Christ is not speaking to the press at this time," Pishevar said.

That's what I'm gonna comment on. It's just too funny to pass up. I'd want to ignore them, too, Christ.

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