Familiarity breeds contempt.
Familiarity breeds contempt—and children.
‹Mark Twain›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
comments: 1
Windows 7 Firefox (3.5.8)
Genevieve (Wifey)
trackbacks: 0

Blog Stats

A PivotX Extension

I've done it again, though like this is a first time. The first time, I hacked PivotLog so that some basic UserAgent information is displayed with comments; then, converted that hack for PivotX. Now, I've written an extension for PivotX that I've called Blog Stats.

For more information about this extension, go to http://pivotx.mobius-design.net/?p=blog-stats".

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