People with narrow minds usually have broad tongues.
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Where the Hell are They?

I can understand the frustration of those in New Orleans waiting for rescue and removal from the Big Cesspool. They, most assuredly, have no idea what is going on nor do they know the entire scope of the problem.

What I can't stand are the critics of the federal government (in this case) who blame it for the slow response in getting to the folks who need help. Their criticism only shows their lack of understanding of the scope of the problem. Getting people out is a logistical nightmare, there aren't that many safe ways into or out of town. People are stranded in small bunches throughout the city and rescuers don't know every location, nor how to get there safely. What's more, those people keep moving around. What's worse, because of their frustration and anxiety, those people are making it difficult to be rescued—shooting at the rescuers, looting and other chaos, rioting—it makes things harder on everyone.

Furthermore, I want to ask, where are those critics? What are they doing? They're sitting in their comfortable air conditioned homes and offices blaming someone else and generally whining, just like what they do best. They are the bane of society!

And where are the stars with all of their money and influence? They can go to Africa and Indonesia and help out...they do so in person. Yet when disaster hits home, they are silent, absent, or simply planning to raise money and awareness. There's your slow response people! I can't stand the Hollywood elite, and their pompous, holier-than-thou attitudes. I mean, I'm glad they will be doing something, but you're wealthy enough to do more than just raise money for poor schmoes like me, send some of your own! You could send half of what you have and still have more than I do. And why don't you go to New Orleans and rescue people instead of complaining that the rescuers aren't doing a fast enough job?

Of course, this all raises a question. The past several days, the media has been showing images of looters and people stranded on bridges and "islands" formed from buildings and higher ground. They are right there with them interviewing them. They get in and out somehow (and, on top of things, they look like they are well nourished and the like). Yet, they constantly tell people who ask for help that they can't, that they don't know where the refugees should go. I'm beginning to think that is a lie, I mean, c'mon, you're getting around yourself!

Okay, rant's over. I'll go fume over those who are good with the mouth and not much else as I watch more news coverage.

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