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Atlantis ‹the domain of the Stingray›
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.
‹Robert Herrick›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
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What I Did This Week, no. 23

another short but sweet update

I think I’m going to be short again this week. Sunday was Exaudi, the Sunday after the Ascension of Our Lord. While anything but normal, Jesus was delivered and received yet again; praise be to Jesus! Monday was a wonderful day off. Tuesday was back to the office, as well as Wednesday. On both days, I planned services for August and September, put together the church calendar for both of those months (perhaps incomplete), and updated the church website accordingly. While we were supposed to meet for Lutheran Confessions Study, many people couldn’t make it, so we called it off. Thursday, I was the teacher at the Breakfast Bible Study; I tried a different dish that morning—it was good and very hot, so it took me a while to finish; consequently, probably not one to get again. Back in the office and I worked on introit and gradual inserts. Friday at the office was spent working on Sunday’s sermon; that evening, I went to the Bible Study host’s house, but only one other person showed up—we talked at length, but didn’t do any real studying. While short, it was a good time for us. Saturday was Elizabash; due to changes made by the chamber of commerce, there weren’t many vendors, and the streets cleared out pretty early. The latter might have been helped by a storm on the horizon. This might be the last year that the church participates; I’m not heartbroken about it.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Well, I Just Emailed My Representative

Cory Gardner

Here is the text of the email I just sent my US Representative.

Rep. Gardner,

The time is NOW. We should have had enough of the president circumventing the law to suit what he thinks is right. The events of yesterday are over the top. Why are we not hearing anything from congress with regard to the 30 days notice he is supposed to give you before releasing prisoners from Guantanamo? Why are we not hearing anything from congress with regard to the fact that his administration negotiated with terrorists? Why is there no outrage over the fact that five top-level terrorists were released, supposedly to spend a year in Qatar, but that we all know will go right back to plotting terrorists acts against the United States? His administration has even admitted to breaking the law. What are you waiting for?

Suspend your campaign for the senate and see to the work you are currently elected to by impeaching President Obama.

Thank you.
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 22

it's the 22nd!

As far as the number of weeks go, this one is my favorite number. Those who know me know why. When I play sports games, and create myself as a player in that sport, I either give myself the number 55 or 22. In any event, this week was a bittersweet week.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 21

Prepare and Play

It was a preparation and enjoyment. We got the house clean, again. We welcomed some guests, again. And right now, a good time is being had by all in our household. Time in the office was short, consequently, but plans were made in that short time.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 20

tempus fugit

Can you believe that there have already been 20 weeks this year? Or, can you believe that there have only been 20 weeks this year? It’s all a matter of perspective, I suppose—where you’ve been, what you’ve done, what you’ve gone through so far this year, or any year—that determines whether a point in time is already so far into a period or only so far into it.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 19

short and sweet 2

Another short one this week. This week was spent entertaining family. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew were down from Washington (with their dog, of course). We spent time visiting a couple of breweries. We went to the pool in Castle Rock. We had pictures of the kids taken—the cousins. Thursday came quickly, however, and they had to return home. It was good to host them.

The regular stuff happened at church, minus some regular office hours. There was Lutheran Confessions Study on Wednesday night; we finished Article VI of the Formula of Concord. Bible Study on Friday was supposed to be hosted at our house, but the older kids decided to misbehave for most of the day, so they were put to bed while I went to church; there, we finally finished with the first two verses of Genesis—it took us four weeks, but we did it!

Saturday was a pretty relaxing day, though I did have a visit to make in an unusual place, for me at least. We finally got the Disney movies we ordered today, too.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 18

short and sweet

I’m gonna keep this short. This week, we did a lot of cleaning. We had some outlets downstairs changed to grounded outlets and had some new ones installed. Sermon prep saw me get nowhere, so I borrowed a sermon. Got back into the Lutheran Confessions Study at church and finished Article V of the Formula of Concord, both the Epitome and Solid Declaration. On Saturday, we enjoyed a play put on by some homeschooling friends and their co-op: a modern interpretation of Pilgrim’s Progress.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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I wonder... Target Stores getting anything out of this?

LEGO Target Store?
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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What I Did This Week, no. 17

He is Risen!

The week after Easter is a slower week compared the previous six. Lent tends to be busy, and gets busier as the season progresses. Culminating with Holy Week and the four days of services which ends with Easter, it almost seems as if things go a mile a minute. Then, Easter Monday arrives, and the time unwinds.

author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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I Love Physics

why does it do that?