Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, and most fools do.
‹Benjamin Franklin›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Introducing a New Category

Sermons Title Image

For a while now, I've been "uploading" my sermons to a separate part of the site; well, some of them. They weren't a part of this blog; I simply put links to them in a menu above (along with poems and hymns I've written).

Well, now, I've created a category to put my sermons right on the front page whenever I deem to include one on my site. I'll still put them in the separate part of the site (serving as a sort of archives for my sermon selections. Now, however, you can read new "uploads" right from the blog, and you can even comment on them, if you desire.

I won't be reposting any of the older sermons. You can find them here. From the sermons posted in that separate section (newer ones), I'll link to the sermon entry in the blog.

Right now, I have no plans to do the same with my poems or hymns, but there's nothing saying those plans can't change.

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