The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
‹Benjamin Franklin›
Atlantis: the domain of the Stingray
author: Stingray
category: My Ramblings
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Isn't it Ironic?

The NCAA recently announced that college sports teams with logos or names depicting anything related to American Indians will not be allowed to use those names or mascots in post-season play. Furthermore, those schools who continue to be known by an Indian moniker and use Indian imagery will be prohibited from hosting post-season tournament events. This is to take effect in February of 2006. The NCAA Executive Committee decided this, a 19-member board comprised of 14 white men, 2 white women, and 3 black men. They referred to the use of such nicknames and mascots as being "hostile and abusive."

Now, anyone want to guess where the NCAA is headquartered? Don't worry, I'll tell you: Indianapolis—City of the Land of Indians (as the name means). Proof? It's right here.

I guess, by their logic, Indianapolis should be excluded from hosting NCAA tournaments and football bowl games (Oh, but wait, Indianapolis will be hosting the 2006 men's basketball Final Four, a March event). By that same logic, they should be looking to move pretty darn quick, or they may be accused of being hypocritical (and rightly so).

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